Presenter(s): Laura Baecher (Curriculum and Teaching) and Shiao-Chuan Kung (TTLG)
A unique opportunity to be coached and to work through the design and drafting of a research manuscript on instructional practices and innovations you’ve experimented with in course teaching. We will begin in October and meet six times, once per month from October – April. We will engage in peer-review and target a specific journal for our piece in progress. [Details...]
Presenter(s): Laura Baecher (Curriculum and Teaching) and Shiao-Chuan Kung (TTLG)
A unique opportunity to be coached and to work through the design and drafting of a research manuscript on instructional practices and innovations you’ve experimented with in course teaching. We will begin in October and meet six times, once per month from October – April. We will engage in peer-review and target a specific journal for our piece in progress. [Details...]
Presenter(s): Laura Baecher (Curriculum and Teaching) and Shiao-Chuan Kung (TTLG)
A unique opportunity to be coached and to work through the design and drafting of a research manuscript on instructional practices and innovations you’ve experimented with in course teaching. We will begin in October and meet six times, once per month from October – April. We will engage in peer-review and target a specific journal for our piece in progress. [Details...]
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