Presenter(s): Renee Schaller (English); Jeff Allred (English) is a free/open platform for annotating digital texts of all kinds. We will explore some models for integrating it into your teaching on a regular basis, making both reading and writing more social and collaborative for students. [Details...]
This week, ACERT invited two CUNY colleagues to campus, Maura Smale (Head Librarian, City Tech) and Mariana Regalado (Library, Brooklyn College). They presented their work on what they call, borrowing from social anthropologist Tim Ingold, the “taskscapes” of students from several CUNY campuses (including Hunter’s).
In this Event Capsule, Mariana Regalado (Brooklyn College Library) and Maura Smale (City Tech Library) discuss their presentations at an October 17th Lunchtime Seminar.
This presentation explores research on "academic taskscapes": the term encompasses the totality of students' experiences at CUNY, including perceptions of their schoolwork, locations where they work, the tools or support that are available to them, and the people they interact with along the way. [Details...]
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