Tag Archives | assessment

Thoughtful Thursdays – Assessment during the Pandemic: What is Different, What Remains the Same?

Oct 22, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Online - Please register for more details Lunchtime Seminars
Thoughtful Thursdays - Assessment during the Pandemic: What is Different, What Remains the Same?
Presenter(s): Joel Bloom (Provost Office & Assessment), Gina Riley (Special Education), and Shiao-Chuan Kung (Center for Online Learning)

Some of us approach assessment with a degree of trepidation even under the best of times; in this session, we’ll discuss some familiar elements, some new opportunities, and give you a chance to brainstorm ideas on what might work well this year! [Details...]
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Thoughtful Thursdays – Peer Observation when the Class Session is Online

Oct 8, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Online - Please register for details Lunchtime Seminars
Thoughtful Thursdays - Peer Observation when the Class Session is Online
Presenter(s): Laura Baecher (Curriculum and Teaching)

In this session we will discuss how observation practices need to shift to be able to provide meaningful feedback when the instruction is online--both synchronous and asynchronous, while still keeping within the parameters of our approved peer observation protocols. [Details...]
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Tech Tuesdays – The Secret Life of Blackboard Grade Center

Sep 22, 2020
12:00 pm - 1:00 pm
Online - Please register for details Lunchtime Seminars
Tech Tuesdays - The Secret Life of Blackboard Grade Center
Presenter(s): Julie Van Peteghem (Romance Languages); Sarah Byosiere (Psychology) Mowmita Jabir (Technology Resource Center)

Have you been avoiding the Blackboard Grade Center? You’re not alone! The Grade Center can be a daunting place. In this quick tech talk we will present our favorite tips and tricks for using the Grade Center to make grading and grade reporting as simple as possible. [Details...]
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Everything you wanted to know about Assessment but were afraid to ask

Nov 15, 2017
10:00 am - 11:30 am
1203 HE Assessment Breakfasts
Everything you wanted to know about Assessment but were afraid to ask
Presenter(s): Maureen Erickson (Office of Assessment)

Join Maureen Erickson, Director of Assessment, the 2017-2018 Assessment Fellows, and the 2017 FITT cohort for an open discussion about assessment. Come gain expert advice and collaborate with your peers on developing best assessment practices for your classroom. [Details...]
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