Blackboard & beyond: What can your LMS do for you?

When: March 22, 2016, 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
Where: Charlotte Frank Classroom (1203 HE)

Presenter(s): Erica Chutuape (Asian American Studies), Jessie Daniels (Sociology), Kristen Hodnett (Special Education), Marie Nelson (Special Education), Kate Pok (Sociology)

Facilitator: Jessie Daniels (Sociology)

Learning management systems such as Blackboard can simplify course management and boost student engagement. They can also spell disaster if they are not a good fit for your teaching style or are not managed well. A growing number of Hunter faculty have been experimenting with learning management systems other than the officially-supported Blackboard. In this session, some of these faculty will talk about why they decided to try a different platform, and will share their experiences with platforms such as Canvas, Google Classroom, Edmodo, WordPress, and Blogger. We will discuss the pros and cons of these platforms and how they stack up against Blackboard.


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