Our ACERT video library has grown significantly over the years! To help you find among our 100+ videos the ones on the topics of your interest, we’ve created the following themed playlists. Enjoy!
How to use: Scroll down or click on the topic linked below to go to the playlist of your choice. To get a preview of all videos included in a playlist, click on the menu icon in the top right corner of the video, or on the link below the video.
- Active learning & student engagement
- Assessment
- Generative AI & ChatGPT
- Blackboard
- Collaborative learning
- Experiential learning
- Inclusive teaching
- Mental health and wellness
- Presentation tools
- Research
- Syllabus and assignment design
- Tool exploration
Active learning & student engagement
Learn more about flipped classrooms, embodied teaching, participatory pedagogy, virtual reality & simulation, various interactive tools, and the science of attention and student engagement.
Take me to the Active learning & student engagement playlist on YouTube.
How can assessment be used to demonstrate and improve student learning? What have we learned from assessment during the semesters of distance learning? How does the software Gradescope facilitate grading? What is “ungrading,” and what are professors’ and students’ experiences with alternative assessments?
Take me to the Assessment playlist on YouTube.
Generative AI & ChatGPT
Learn more about AI tools and integrating language regarding generative AI & ChatGPT into the syllabus and the classroom.
Take me to the Generative AI & ChatGPT playlist on YouTube.
Explore presentations on the Grade Center, Blackboard Ally, and customizable templates for multi-session courses.
Take me to the Blackboard playlist on YouTube.
Collaborative learning
The many ways in which students (and faculty!) can learn with and from each other.
Take me to the Collaborative learning playlist on YouTube.
Experiential learning
Presenters share how they integrate real-world experiences – from career exploration, global learning experiences, to research collaborations – into the curriculum.
Take me to the Experiential learning playlist on YouTube
Inclusive teaching
A series of presentations on leading discussions on difficult topics, and strategies for making our classrooms and course materials inclusive and accessible.
Take me to the Inclusive teaching playlist on YouTube.
Mental health and wellness
On classroom practices that promote wellness and mental health with students, and strategies to center students’ and instructors’ wellbeing.
Take me to the Mental health and wellness playlist on YouTube.
Presentation tools
Find the right tool for your – and your students’ – next presentations! Take a look at the full list of featured tools.
Take me to the Presentation tools playlist on YouTube.
Explore a wide range of presentations on research: from strategies to prioritize your writing, an intro to the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL), tips about the Fulbright application process from Hunter awardees, to insights on life after the humanities PhD and the rewards of student-faculty research collaborations.
Take me to the Research playlist on YouTube.
Syllabus and assignment design
Get inspired as you (re)design your syllabi and assignments.
Take me to the Syllabus and Assignment design playlist on YouTube.
Tool exploration
Explore more than 20 different tools that can be used in the classroom – check out the full list of tools included.
Take me to the Tool exploration playlist on YouTube.