Best practices in using online tools for assessing students

When: December 14, 2016, 10:00 am - 11:30 am
Where: Charlotte Frank Classroom (1203 HE)

Presenter(s): Nancy Guerrero (TTLG), Shiao-Chuan Kung (ICIT)

With so many new faces at Assessment Breakfasts, the presenters of this session are the “something old” part of the series. Nancy and Shiao-Chuan are educational technologists who have been at Hunter for a long time and have worked with many faculty members integrating technology into their face-to-face, hybrid and online courses. They will talk about tools to assess students and tools to give and get feedback from students, such Blackboard quizzes, surveys, in-line grading and rubrics. They will also discuss best practices in using online tools for assessing students and suggest some ideas to address academic integrity online.

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