Event Capsules, Teaching Tips, Tool Talk | December 7, 2021

ACERT Fall 2021 Lunchtime Seminars (Resources and Recordings)

You can find recordings and resources from the Fall 2021 ACERT Lunchtime Seminar Series below. This semester we focused on the following topics:

Resources Share and Care
Student Wellness
Research Revisited
Teaching for Social Justice
Student Support in Multiple Modes
HyFlex and Flexible Design
Matching Tech Tools with Pedagogical Purposes
Blackboard Course Templates
Innovative Syllabus Design

Resources Share and Care


Student Wellness

Recording “Student Wellness Check In” | Presenters: Caroline Gelman (Social Work), Michelle Lask (Educational Foundations and Counseling), Marcia Liu (HCAP), Sandra Clarkson (Mathematics)

Karlene Roberts, Student View: What Worked Online – and Still Works in Person

Research Revisited

Recording “Making Time for Research and Writing” | Presenters: Jenny Tuten (Provost’s Office), Karlene Roberts (Research Administration), Katherine Volkmer (Romance Languages), Jennifer Samson (Special Education)

National Center for Faculty Development and Diversity: https://www.facultydiversity.org/institutions/hunter | claim your membership with your Hunter email

Teaching for Social Justice

Recording “Teaching for Social Justice” | Presenters: Jillian Báez (Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies), Roberta Kilkenny (Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies), Vivian Louie (Urban Policy and Planning / Asian American Studies Center and Program)

Jillian Báez, Teaching for Racial Justice: A Latino/a/x Approach

Roberta Walker Kilkenny, Bridging the Digital Divide: Liberating Learning from the Constraints of Remote Education

Vivian Louie, Resources – Asian American Studies

Can you hear me now? Discussing Difficult and Controversial Issues in the Classroom

Recording “Discussing Difficult and Controversial Issues in the Classroom” | Presenters: Vicki Lens (Social Work), Michael Lewis (Social Work)

Michael Lewis, Norms of Engagement

John D. Vogelsang and Sophia McGee, Handbook for Facilitating Difficult Conversations in the Classroom

Center for Innovative Teaching and Learning, Indiana University Bloomington, Managing Difficult Classroom Discussions

Seed the Way, Interrupting Bias: Calling out vs. Calling in

Student Support in Multiple Modes

Caitlin Ho, Peer to Peer Support in Multiple Modes

Supporting student progress through Navigate

Navigate resource page for faculty and staff

Guide on Advising notes

Hunter FERPA tutorial

Navigate drop-in virtual office hours

HyFlex and Flexible Design


Recording “HyFlex Done HyFlex” | Presenters: Gina Riley (Special Education), Kristen Hodnett (Special Education), Dongshin Chang (Theatre)

Asynch module on HyFlex

HyFlex resources: https://huntercollege68.padlet.org/skung/hyflex

Flexible Design

Recording “Flexible by Design” | Presenter: Shiao-Chuan Kung (Center for Online Learning)

Flexible by Design resources: https://huntercollege68.padlet.org/skung/courseDesign

Matching Tech Tools with Pedagogical Purposes

Will Pencil and Paper Work? Matching Tech Tools with Pedagogical Purposes

Recording “Matching Tech Tools with Pedagogical Purposes” | Presenters: Laura Baecher (Curriculum and Teaching); Natasha Nurse-Clarke (Nursing, Lehman College)

Laura Baecher, Presentation Slides

Natasha Nurse-Clarke, Presentation Slides

Natasha Nurse-Clarke, Technology Teaching Toolkit

Natasha Nurse-Clarke, Blog on Online Education 

Matching Tech Tools with Pedagogical Purposes: A Peek Into the Process

Christine Rosalia on WordWall + Book Creator 

Jillian Báez on hypothesis

Jack Kenigsberg on Flipgrid

Blackboard Course Templates

Recording “Lightening the Load in Multi-section, High-enrollment Courses” | Presenters: Lisa Anderson (German), Amber Alliger (Psychology), Brian Collins (Curriculum and Teaching)

Presentation “Customizable Course Templates: How to get started” | Presenter: Shiao-Chuan Kung (Center for Online Learning)

Presentation “Customizable Course Templates: How to make a course copy” | Presenter: Shiao-Chuan Kung (Center for Online Learning)

Shiao-Chuan Kung, Presentation Slides

Innovative Syllabus Design

Recording “Innovative Approaches to Syllabus Design” | Presenter: Laura Baecher (Curriculum and Teaching)

Laura Baecher, Presentation Slides

María Hernández-Ojeda, Advantages of using Padlet as syllabi

Padlet resources: https://huntercollege68.padlet.org/skung/

Padlet and accessibility: https://padlet.com/about/accessibility 

Kim Case, Syllabus Challenge: Infusing Inclusive Practices

Remi Kalir, Annotate Your Syllabus | Annotation prompts

Hypothesis resources: https://huntercollege68.padlet.org/at653/hypothesis 

Workload Estimators: https://cte.rice.edu/workload | https://cat.wfu.edu/resources/tools/estimator2/

Free templates: canva.com | https://piktochart.com/ | https://genial.ly 

Pairing fonts with texts: https://fontjoy.com | https://type.io


All individual contributions are credited above. Many thanks to all the Fall 2021 ACERT Lunchtime Seminars Series panelists and presenters:

Caroline Gelman (Social Work), Michelle Lask (Educational Foundations and Counseling), Marcia Liu (HCAP), Sandra Clarkson (Mathematics), Devashish Basnet (USG), Kayla Benjamin (USG), DeAngelo Blanchard (MA student SOE), Liane Matti (MA student SOE), Fantasia Norse (BA student), Jenny Tuten (Provost’s Office), Karlene Roberts (Research Administration), Katherine Volkmer (Romance Languages), Jennifer Samson (Special Education), Jillian Báez (Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies), Roberta Kilkenny (Africana and Puerto Rican/Latino Studies), Vivian Louie (Urban Policy and Planning / Asian American Studies Center and Program), Vicki Lens (Social Work), Michael Lewis (Social Work), Gina Riley (Special Education), Kristen Hodnett (Special Education), Dongshin Chang (Theatre), Caitlin Ho (HCAP), Rob Lorey (Student Services, Social Work), Michael Steiper (Provost’s Office), Brian Buckwald (Student Affairs), Laura Baecher (Curriculum and Teaching), Natasha Nurse-Clarke (Nursing, Lehman College), Jack Kenigsberg (English / RWC), Christine Rosalia (Curriculum and Teaching), Lisa Anderson (German), Amber Alliger (Psychology), Brian Collins (Curriculum and Teaching), Shiao-Chuan Kung (Center for Online Learning), Julie Van Peteghem (Romance Languages), Maria Hernandez-Ojeda (Romance Languages)

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