During the week of August 19, ACERT and the Center for Online Learning offered the Get Ready for Fall 2024 workshop series. We focused on AI in the classroom, Blackboard essentials, first-day strategies, and the syllabus. We’ve collected the recordings and resources from the workshops in this post. If your topic of interest is not included here, perhaps our Resources for Course Design page can help!
AI resources
“AI and My Fall 2024 Syllabi and Assignments” (Sissel McCarthy, Christopher Hartley, Shiao-Chuan Kung, Julie Van Peteghem)
Resources shared during the presentations:
- Revised CUNY Academic Integrity Policy (aspects regarding AI tools are highlighted in purple)
- “AI in the Classroom: Fall 2024” (Sissel McCarthy’s presentation slides)
- “Student Reactions to Generative AI” (Christopher Hartley’s presentation slides)
- “Developing an AI Policy with Your Students” (Julie Van Peteghem’s presentation slides)
Additional resources:
- Sample syllabus language used by Hunter professors (Center for Online Learning)
- Sample syllabus language about AI: three templates (Hostos Community College)
- Generative AI resources (Center for Online Learning)
- Video playlist on Generative AI & ChatGPT (ACERT)
Blackboard Essentials
First Day of Class
Activities for the first day of class:
- First-day Strategies (Vicki Lens)
- First-day Strategies (session participants)
- Ice-breaker idea: bingo template (from participant Riana Green)
More ACERT / Center for Online Learning resources:
- How instructors introduce themselves – examples
- Strategies for giving students a warm welcome
- Ice-breakers ideas – for online teaching, but several could work in-person!
- Using Padlet for ice-breakers: A Padlet about Padlet
- Don Saucier on “Trickle Down Engagement” (Teaching in Higher Ed podcast)
Syllabus Design
“Innovative and inclusive syllabus design” (Jack Kenisberg, Deepsikha Chatterjee, Ingrid Lundeen)
Presentation materials:
- Structuring your syllabus as a FAQ (Jack Kenisberg’s syllabus)
- Innovative and inclusive syllabus design (Deepsikha Chatterjee’s presentation slides)
- Inclusive office hours (Ingrid Lundeen’s presentation slides)
Additional resources mentioned during the session:
- Cathy Davidson and Christina Katopodis, “Before the First Class” (Ch. 4) in The New College Classroom (e-book via Library)
- Joe Hirsch on “Moving from Feedback to Feedforward” (The Cult of Pedagogy podcast)
- An example of a syllabus created on Padlet (María Hernández-Ojeda)
- Creating accessible PDF and Microsoft Office documents (CUNY resource)
- For fun: It’s in the Syllabus (PHD Comics)
- For fun: Snoop Doog wants you to read your college syllabus (video)
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