Assess It! | November 10, 2016
Archive | Assess student work
Assess It! | October 27, 2016
Reflection: “Rubrics: An Undervalued Teaching Tool”
Tool Talk | October 6, 2016
Enhancing student engagement using Airserver
By ACERT and Manashi Chatterjee
Topics : Assess student work, Data visualization, Lectures, Mobile apps and devices, Student Engagement
Topics : Assess student work, Data visualization, Lectures, Mobile apps and devices, Student Engagement
Assessment and Exploring Student Learning
Sep 22, 2016
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
1203 HE
Assessment and Exploring Student Learning
Presenter(s): Kirsten Grant (Chemistry), John Pell (Hunter College Libraries), Scott Gentile (Mathematics and Statistics), Jochen Albrecht (Geography), Manashi Chatterjee (Chemistry)What We’re Reading | April 19, 2016
Make It Stick
By ACERT, Mark Bobrow, Stephanie Margolin and Meredith Reitman
Topics : Assess student work, Assignments & exams, Course design
Topics : Assess student work, Assignments & exams, Course design
Measuring what counts: Credentials or learning?
Mar 2, 2016
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
ICIT Conference Room
Measuring what counts: Credentials or learning?
Presenter(s): Anya Kamanetz (author of "The Test" and lead digital education reporter for NPR), Leah Gilliam (VP of Strategy and Innovation for Girls Who Code), and Bret Eynon (VP for Academic Affairs at LaGuardia Community College)Exploring Student Learning: Assessment Day 2016
Apr 20, 2016
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Chanin (B126 HW)
Exploring Student Learning: Assessment Day 2016
Presenter(s): Manashi Chatterjee (Chemistry), Jennifer DeGregorio (English), Bryan Dowling (Psychology), Kirsten Grant (Chemistry), Stephanie Margolin (Library), Maria Nelson (Special Education), Elizabeth Wall-O'Brien (Advising)Assess anything you like with rubrics
Feb 24, 2016
10:00 am - 11:30 am
1220 HE
Assess anything you like with rubrics
Presenter(s): Meredith Reitman (Office of Assessment and ACERT)Assess It! | November 30, 2015
Students as researchers: Using Google’s DocuViz to learn about how you write
By ACERT and Andrew Laudel
Topics : Assess student work, Assignments & exams, Group work, Online writing and reflection
Topics : Assess student work, Assignments & exams, Group work, Online writing and reflection
ACERT Connections | November 16, 2015