Archive | Assess student work

Assess It! | October 27, 2016


Reflection: “Rubrics: An Undervalued Teaching Tool”

Creating a well thought-out, comprehensive rubric takes work; but the effort is worth it. Rubrics, when used correctly, have a number of benefits. They have been shown to help students become more aware of their learning process and progress, improve student performance, and help instructors quickly and consistently assess assignments from student to student.
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Tool Talk | October 6, 2016


Enhancing student engagement using Airserver

Traditional methods of teaching organic chemistry via lecture do not provide active learning opportunities for students. Instead, meaningful learning occurs when students are encouraged to participate and work on problems rather than waiting to copy instructors’ answers. We report how the use of “iPad with AirServer” in an organic chemistry lecture course can make student thinking visible.
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Assessment and Exploring Student Learning

Sep 22, 2016
12:00 pm - 2:00 pm
1203 HE Lunchtime Seminars
Assessment and Exploring Student Learning
Presenter(s): Kirsten Grant (Chemistry), John Pell (Hunter College Libraries), Scott Gentile (Mathematics and Statistics), Jochen Albrecht (Geography), Manashi Chatterjee (Chemistry)

Learn from Assessment Fellows about assessment tools and how assessment can be used to demonstrate and improve student learning. The panel, composed of faculty from a wide range of disciplines, will discuss what it takes to build a culture of assessment and to establish, grow and sustain assessment systems and processes on campus. [Details...]
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Measuring what counts: Credentials or learning?

Mar 2, 2016
1:00 pm - 2:30 pm
ICIT Conference Room Webinars
Measuring what counts: Credentials or learning?
Presenter(s): Anya Kamanetz (author of "The Test" and lead digital education reporter for NPR), Leah Gilliam (VP of Strategy and Innovation for Girls Who Code), and Bret Eynon (VP for Academic Affairs at LaGuardia Community College)

This livestreamed discussion, hosted by CUNY's Futures Initiative, will focus on the social and political implications of the ways we test, grade, measure, rank, and assess. [Details...]
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Exploring Student Learning: Assessment Day 2016

Apr 20, 2016
10:00 am - 2:00 pm
Chanin (B126 HW) Special Events
Exploring Student Learning: Assessment Day 2016
Presenter(s): Manashi Chatterjee (Chemistry), Jennifer DeGregorio (English), Bryan Dowling (Psychology), Kirsten Grant (Chemistry), Stephanie Margolin (Library), Maria Nelson (Special Education), Elizabeth Wall-O'Brien (Advising)

Come hear the 2015-2016 Assessment Fellows talk about their use of assessment to innovate within their courses and programs. [Details...]
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