Introduced at the Lunchtime Seminar on October 2nd, during the fall 2018 seminar series, ACERT will be trying out a new online discussion activity. We invite all Hunter faculty, staff, and administrators to read, comment, and try out activities described in James Lang’s blog posts on the Chronicle of Higher Education’s website. We will be using and its annotation extension to highlight and comment on any aspect of the blog posts. You can read more about how to download and use on their website or on Jeff Allred’s ENG 720 course site here or through watching our Teaching Hack video about here.
Once you have downloaded, start adding comments to articles in the “Public” group section and add the tag “ACERT.” In this way, others will be able to see you comment, and the comment will be added to our feed on the ACERT website. If it is easier, you can also just open the links below which will directly open Lang’s blog posts with the annotation extension enabled.
In addition to generating online discussion, we hope that many of you will try out the ideas in Lang’s posts and then volunteer to present their ideas at the ACERT Lunchtime Seminar on November 1st.
Finally, you can see the PPT slides from the October 2nd seminar here. They provide more details about Lang’s book Small Teaching and his blog posts as well as more tips about using
Here are Lang’s blog posts with already enabled (you’ll still need to login to post):
What Will Students Remember From Your Class in 20 Years?
How Much Do You Want Your Final to Count?
Small Changes in Teaching: The Last Five Minutes of Class
Small Changes in Teaching: Making Connections
Small Changes or Big Revolutions?
Small Changes in Teaching: The Minutes Before Class
Small Changes in Teaching: Giving Them a Say
Small Changes in Teaching: The First Five Minutes of Class
Small Changes in Teaching: Space it Out
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