Event Capsules | February 21, 2021

Resources to Share with Your Students

As Elizabeth Losh wrote in a recent opinion piece, we can’t assume all our students are tech-savvy. This post collects several tutorials and ed tech resources you can share with your students.

Blackboard Course “Are You Ready?”
Hunter College is offering “Are You Ready?” – a free 30-minute online readiness course – that teaches students essential strategies for online learning. Students who complete the course will receive a certificate to show their readiness to handle online coursework.

Most students are already enrolled in the course on Blackboard. It appears under “My Organizations” as “Hunter College CUNY-Student Online Readiness Course – Are You Ready?”

If students do not see the course, they can consult the Are You Ready? self-enrollment instructions (PDF), or contact studenthelpdesk@hunter.cuny.edu for assistance.

Recording of “Blackboard for Students” workshop
You can also share the recording of the workshop “Blackboard for Students” by Mowmita Jabir (Technology Resource Center).

Student Blackboard help page
This page collects student resources for Blackboard, organized by topic.

Laptop & mobile hotspot loan
Students can request a laptop or mobile hotspot loan. The links below provide more info and the request forms.

Workshops for instructors on helping students with ed tech
Keep an eye on the workshop page of the Center for Online Learning. The Center holds workshops on how to help your students with educational technology.

Two general resource pages for your students

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